4.3 5 466,427

A hapless young Viking who aspires to hunt dragons, becomes the unlikely friend of a young dragon himself, and learns there may be more to the creatures than he assumed.

Stoick the Vast, the giant widower chief of the though Viking village of Nordic island Berk, has practically given up hope for his smart, sensitive 'sissy shrimp' son Hiccup, the cripple blacksmith's clumsy apprentice, to grow into a real Viking and contribute to their regular combats fighting off the copious plague of dragons. Grounded again after fouling another dragon attack-ward-off, Hiccup wanders in the forest and stumbles upon a tied-up baby dragon. Unable to kill it, he frees it and finds it became tame and friendly, designs a prosthesis for its half tail and accidentally learns to fly 'Toothless'. Learning from it the truth about dragons, he aces the villages annual young warriors dragon slaying class without dangerous violence. Now Stoic expects Hiccup to kill a dragon, and partake in the annual attempt to find and destroy the dragons' layer by ships, but flying toothless he discovers the actual challenge and takes it on.

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