Netflix Movies Starring Jeffrey Byron

Jeffrey Byron has starred in a variety of movie and television roles and is also focusing his attention on writing and producing. The writer has crafted four screenplays, "Stan The Man," The Eye's Have It," "Being Robert Parker" and the recently completed "A Deer In Headlights." The producer is developing the works of his late stepfather, novelist Robert Nathan, one of the most revered American authors of the 20th century. Jeffrey controls the rights to over 40 Nathan novels and is developing them into feature films, television movies and TV series. He has also just launched his new website. Three Nathan Novels are in advanced development. "Stonecliff", "Juliet In Mantua" and "The River Journey." Jeffrey also just finished producing his first documentary, "The Silent Angel," and co wrote, produced and starred in the pilot presentation, "Enough About Jack." Jeffrey also controls the rights to Dr. Read more on iMDB