Netflix Movies Starring Federico Boido

Sullen faced blonde Frederico Boido was born in 1938 at Novi Ligure, Alessandria, Piemonte in Italy. He became a familiar character in European films from sci-fi to westerns and was a charter cast member of the dark photo novels known as Killing in Italy, Satanik in France and Sadistik in America. Usually playing a deranged psycho, he has the honor of having been killed by space vampires and cowboys as well as dark comics icons Diabolik and Sadistik (many times)! At 26, his first film was a standard peplum (sword & sandal) epic of the era, Sansone e il tesoro degli Incas (known in the US as Hercules and the Treasure of the Incas). It also co-starred future Sadistik actor, Franco Jamonte. Next Boido was in a three-segment film called Thrilling that had an episode based on the dark, Diabolik-inspired character Sadik. Read more on iMDB