Netflix Movies Starring Stephanie Andujar

Stephanie Andujar was born and raised in New York City. Even though Manhattan was the playground for her sister, younger brother and herself, Stephanie's parents put her into an after school program that would change the course of her life... Starring in theatre performances from 'The Wiz,' 'The Crucible,' 'The Good Woman of Setzuan,' to Television and Film including: 'Law & Order:SVU', the Academy Award winning film 'Precious', 'See Girl Run', NBC Nurse Drama 'Mercy' ... Stephanie's standout performance can be seen in Season 2 of 'Orange is the New Black,' as the Young Miss Rosa. "Stephanie Andujar, who plays Young Rosa, is mesmerizing, and I want her to star in a prequel spin off called Portrait of the Prisoner as a Young Bank Robber" -Entertainment Weekly, Hillary Busis. Andujar seeks to embody the spirit of each and every character she plays. Read more on iMDB