Netflix Movies Starring Bubba Lewis

Bubba Lewis began singing at the age of four at an event in Georgia which was produced by his mother. He walked out on stage with his cowboy hat and kicker boots and sang Aaron Tippins' "Call of the Wild". He brought the house to their feet and immediately began receiving calls to entertain all over the state. Bubba performed for schools, fairs, churches, civic organizations, pageants, and even for the governor of Georgia. After years of performing and winning numerous awards, Bubba decided to take his career to the next level. In January of 2000, Bubba went to NYC to compete at the Apollo Theatre's Apollo Kids Search with Steve Harvey. He received a standing ovation and ultimately won the competition. Bubba signed with The Hot Shot Kids Agency out of Atlanta and landed his first movie role in, "The Angel Doll" immediately afterwards. Read more on iMDB