Netflix Movies Starring Sepp Dietrich

Born in 1892 in Bavaria, Joseph "Sepp" Dietrich came of age during Imperial Germany's height of power in the early 20th century. After leaving primary school, he became an apprentice butcher. In 1911 he joined a Bavarian artillery regiment, but left the army some months later when he was invalided out due to injuries received in a fall from a horse. In 1914, at the start of the First World War, he again joined the army and, in 1916, was promoted to Vizefeldwebel (Sergeant) and assigned as an NCO in one of the German army's first panzer (tank) units. He became one of the army's most decorated tank commanders and one of its first tank aces. When the war ended in 1918, Dietrich was discharged from the army and returned to Bavaria, where he joined the Munich police department. Read more on iMDB