Netflix Movies Starring Corneliu Ulici

Corneliu Ulici was born in Baia-Mare, Romania. He has graduated the National University of Theatre and Film "I.L. Caragiale", the Acting department. He has appeared in the plays "Biloxi Blues" (directed by Mircea Rusu), "Almost Maine" (directed by Andreea Vulpe), "The Unhappy Ones" (directed by Zsuzsánna Kovács) and several short films among which "Hello, Kitty" (directed by Millo Simulov, 2011) and "237 years" (directed by Ioana Mischie, 2016). His first contact with the movie industry was in 2005 as production assistant for Francis Ford Coppola's "Youth Without Youth". In 2011, he starred in "Something Good Out of Life" (directed by Dan Pita). This role brought him awards in three festivals: AVANCA - Portugal, The Romanian Film National Festival, for best actor and the award for best newcomer from The Romanian Filmmakers Union and he was nominated for best debut at the Gopo (Romanian Film Industry) Awards in 2012. Read more on iMDB